Aging, an unavoidable phenomenon, is characterized by wrinkles, memory loss, declined physical capacity, mental and logical sharpness, weakening of the function of sense organs, incoming of diseases like cardiac problems, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, etc, gray hair and so on. Nobody wants to be old, look old, and feel old but aging is just a reality of life.
The body is designed to heal and repair itself with the aid of proper nutrition. The body requires two vital materials to complete this - energy and raw material. These two requirements are needed to maintain the cell's proper functions. The body is made up of cells and all cells are living. All living things need food. Each cell needs the proper food to keep it strong. Cells die and replace themselves at various intervals. To understand anti-aging, understand that when a cell replaces itself it has three options that it can replace itself with:
1. A cell may replace itself with a weaker cell each time. A cell will do this if it hasn't had the right nutritional foods available to it. This process is called degeneration.
2. A cell can replace itself with the same strength cell. This means the body doesn't improve. That is, you have a chronic condition.
3. The cell is capable of replacing itself with a stronger and better cell. This will happen only if the cell has an abundance of energy and the right raw materials. This process is called regeneration. It is anti-aging.
Now for this anti-aging to happen, we should eat foods which can help regeneration.
Given below are some anti aging nutrition tips that will give you a clear idea of what to eat.
1. Eat a diet low in saturated fat, high in complex carbohydrates: Focus on eating complex carbohydrates, rather than going in for fast digesting carbohydrate foods like rice, wheat, bread and pasta that shoot up your blood sugar level thus making your obese.
2.Do aerobic exercise regularly.
3. Maximize Your Intake of Antioxidants: Free radicals contribute to the onset of age-related diseases and antioxidants "neutralize" free radicals. Everyone should "take a combination of antioxidants" through diet. Scientists at the USDA have developed a rating scale that measures the antioxidant content of various plant foods. The scale is called ORAC, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. They discovered that a small group of "super foods" have up to twenty times the antioxidant power of other foods. 1/2 cup of prunes, raisins, blueberries and spinach contain 5770, 2830, 2400 and 1260 units of ORAC, respectively.
4. You need to eat less acid producing and more alkali producing foods: There are two food groups. One group produces acids when it is digested. The other group produces alkalies when it is digested. Our bodies are constantly producing waste products, much the same as the exhaust coming from the back of your car. Waste products are acidic. They are called toxins. Toxins cause tiredness, pain and aging. Therefore, if you want more energy and less pain and anti-aging, you need to eat less acid-producing food.
Foods that produce acids are carbohydrates and proteins. 'Foods' such as tea, coffee, softdrinks, sugar, flavourings, artificial sweetener and preserved meats are even more acidic i.e. toxic. And pollutants (such as heavy metals) and pesticides are even worse.
To neutralise an acid you need an alkali. The main foods that produce alkalis are fruit and vegetables. That is why people should eat LOTS of fruit and especially vegetables, for anti-aging. This is not to say that we don't need protein and complex carbohydrates. We do. The key is BALANCE. We need to balance the acid-producing foods we eat with much more alkali-producing foods.
5. Drink plenty of water: Drink at least about 10-12 glasses everyday. It flushes out all the toxins from the body.
6. Cut down salt and sugar from diet.
In addition to above guidelines, there are specific foods that have a role in anti-aging and that you should regularly include in your diet. They are…
a. Avocado: This fruit is a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat that may help to reduce level of a bad type of cholesterol in body, vitamin E that can help to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin aging, potassium which helps prevent fluid retention and high blood pressure.
b. Berries: berries contain antioxidants which help to protect the body against damage caused by free radicals and aging.
c. Cruciferous vegetables: The family of Cruciferous vegetables includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnip, brussels sprouts, radish and watercress. Cruciferous vegetables assist the body in its fight against toxins and cancer.
d. Garlic: Eating a clove of garlic a day (row or cooked) helps to protect the body against cancer and heart disease.
e. Ginger: This spicy root can boost the digestive and circulatory systems, which can be useful for older people. Ginger may also help to alleviate rheumatic aches and pains.
f. Nuts: Most varieties of nuts are good sources of minerals, particularly walnuts and brazi nuts. Walnuts, although high in calories, are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. Adding nuts to your diet (sprinkle them on salads and desserts) can enhance the functioning of your digestive and immune systems, improve your skin help control prevent cancer. Nuts may also help control cholesterol levels.
g.Soya: Menopausal women might find that soya helps to maintain oestrogen levels. Soya may alleviate menopausal hot flush and protect against Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and heart disease.
h. Whole meal pasta and rice: Complex carbohydrates provide a consistent supply of energy throughout the day and should make up the bulk of your diet. Wholemeal pasta is an excellent complex carbohydrate. It is high in fibre and contains twice the amount of iron as normal pasta. Brown rice is another recommended complex carbohydrate, which is high in fibre and B vitamins.
i. Watermelon: Both the flesh and seeds of the watermelon are nutritious so try blending them together in a food processor and drinking as a juice. The flesh contain vitamin A, B and C ; the seeds contain selenium, essential fats, zinc and vitamin E, all of which help against free radical damage and aging.