Have you ever wondered how so many goals, which we must achieve, are
nothing but a defeated exercise? So many resolutions, so many affirmations seem to make a difference but with an impact that doesn't last forever.
I will to lose 12 pounds. The inner voice says 'I AM FAT. '
I have to get up early. The inner voice says, 'I am a Lazy Bum.'
I should forgive people. Message to self, 'I am mean and bad.'

Why not celebrate the life by resolving to 'Sankalpa' instead of resolutions or affirmations? The meaning of Sankalpa or Samkalpa (Sanskrit) [from sam-klrip to be brought into existence, wish, produce] A conception or idea formed in the mind or heart; thought, ideation, desire.

The Vedas say that the whole universe is evolved through sankalpa -- the ceaselessly acting impulsions of karma driven by cosmic kama -- and hence it is only through sankalpa that the universe retains its karmic structure, appearances, and continuance. In simple words sankalpa is thought, intention, or will directed toward a specific outcome. So give your resolutions and affirmations a yogic twist. While the affirmation or resolutions revolve around the dark side of us, or the perceived negative element, Sankalpa is the acceptance of dark/ shadow self, the negative element.

When you say, "I need to lose weight or I am slimmer by 10 pounds", sankalpa explores the core feeling behind the negative self talk of being fat. So when you take sankalpa you set your intention, "I need to slim by 10 pounds. I accept that I crave for sweets, fried and unhealthy food. I accept that I feel worthless and defeated. I accept that I may not be able to slim at all. I accept that my Thyroid is slowing me down... Yet I set my intention to explore the feelings behind it. I agree to listen to my inner voice and guidance without judgements. I will allow all these feelings to arise and pass. I will be a spectator for these feelings." Thus, you give yourselves more room for exploration and tolerance/acceptance for your own patterns, negative self talk and criticism.

There will be times when you will feel blocks and balances. That time wait and watch your feelings. Watch what arises due to those blocks. Create space for your growth. When you come in contact with such feelings just accept them like a friend. Slowly, the blocks will melt and you will feel lighter, wiser and happier.

To develop the Sankalpa Power, take one small sankalpa each day. This will create balance in your life and strengthen your will power.

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